For a m o re in-depth expl anati on, please refer to this EK’s blog post on delidding.ĮK-Quantum Velocity² Direct Die D-RGB – 1700 Limited Edition Th e procedure is typi cally pe rformed by ex perien ced ent husi asts beca use it involv es a phys i cal modif ic a tion of the p rodu ct that v oi d s the CPU warr anty. All t his r e sults in a s i g nificant red uction in ove ra ll t he rmals and l ess the rma l d iffe ren ce bet wee n CP U co re s. The deli ddi ng process en ables a dir ec t heat transf er from the C PU core to th e wa te r bl oc k. An o th er bene fit involves the rem ov al o f a n entire l ayer of therm al tr ans fer f rom t he C PU d ie to t he IHS. So far, these products are aimed at Intel’s LGA 1700 socket and 12th and 13th-generation Intel Core™ CPUs.ĭelidding is the process o f removing th e integrated he at spreader (IHS) to red uce the dista nce between t he C PU core d ie a nd the co l dpl a te of th e CP U cooler.
#Liquid metal cooling upgrade
Customer Support Knowledge database, support ticketsĮK has prepared a total of four products to start this Direct Die series: two CPU water blocks (one Limited Edition), a delidding tool, and an upgrade kit for existing EK-Quantum Vector² LGA1700 water blocks.Events EK’s virtual events in one place.Gaming PCs High-end, cost-effective, plug and play PCs for high performance.All-In-One Affordable, easy to install, maintenance-free liquid cooler with class-leading performance.Kits High-performance custom loop liquid cooling kit.
#Liquid metal cooling Pc
#Liquid metal cooling full
Last year’s ROG Mothership was the first system to take advantage of this technology, and it paved the way to several refinements enabling a much wider rollout across the full family of ROG gaming laptops with 10th Gen Intel Core processors. The ROG liquid-metal project is ongoing in a continued pursuit of better cooling for gaming laptops. To keep it from seeping out and shorting adjacent circuitry, ROG engineers created a special barrier that fits into an incredibly slim space between the heatsink and CPU package that’s only 0.1 mm tall - nearly the height of the die itself. While the first pass sets the stage, a second machine injects more compound at two points on the die. Too little metal reduces the efficiency of thermal transfer, but too much increases the likelihood of leakage and waste. The shim is small enough to sit directly on the CPU package, so it can be used for different laptops from the same generation.

The die also is set inside a stainless-steel shim that prevents excess compound from spreading to the surrounding area. To minimize accumulation on the edges of the processor, the initial brushing pass makes contact at a different point on the surface than subsequent strokes. It performs exactly 17 passes, which internal testing determined is the ideal number for complete coverage. Step one is essentially painting: a mechanized arm wets its silicon brush in a container of liquid metal and then glides back and forth across the CPU. Meanwhile, they developed a two-stage method using custom machinery that ensures the complete coverage required for optimal performance.

Not even Intel was briefed about plans during development. However, they made initial purchases casually to keep the project a secret. ROG R&D engineers targeted 10th Gen Intel Core processors to maximize gaming benefits, while electing to pair them with Thermal Grizzly’s Conductonaut compound for its concentration of optimum alloys. The additional thermal headroom can also be used to reach even faster frequencies and higher performance. Lower temperatures help processors sustain higher clock speeds for longer and prevent fans from ramping up to louder RPMs. Over a year of testing liquid metal with various processors, ROG engineers observed a 10-20☌ reduction in temperatures depending on the CPU. This drive led to liquid metals, which are extremely effective at transferring thermal energy between surfaces like a processor die and heatsink.

Following a secret, year-long R&D program, ROG has patented a factory-application process yielding significantly better CPU performance, lower temperatures, and reduced noise for gamers at every price point.Ĭooling is one of the greatest challenges facing gaming laptops, and ROG is constantly looking for ways to improve. Serious overclockers and enthusiasts have long harnessed the superior cooling benefits of liquid metal for high-end machines, but its application was not feasible for mass production - until now.

ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG) today announced the rollout of Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut liquid-metal thermal compound for all 2020 ROG gaming laptops featuring 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors.